

I like to think of the art of doll-making as inspiring and calming. I fill each doll I make with love, and hope that this loving energy will carry through to the people who bring my dolls into their families. Welcome to my journal, where I share my creative adventures. Hope you have a pleasant stay!

Alice in Bloom

Alice in Bloom

It was a warm spring day. The sun shown brightly, bathing in its rays the little garden with its awakening plant and animal worlds. A little boy ran along the garden path, stones and sticks weighing down his pockets, and his cap balancing on the tip of his ear, risking to fall any moment. The boy’s brown eyes sparkled with excitement as he rounded the corner of the house and caught sight of an old cherry tree all covered with blooming soft pink blossoms. Running excitedly back to his mother, he exclaimed,  

“Mama, come here! Look what I’ve found!” . . .


It was my son’s chatter and the image of these flowers, pure and beautiful, that sparked in me the idea of making little Alice.


Miss Alice will come with two full sets of clothes and now I just need to finish her lovely summer vacation outfit. Alice will be offered for sale auction style by the end of this week, the details are coming.

See you soon!

Alice the Sailor

Alice the Sailor

Miss Anouk

Miss Anouk