

I like to think of the art of doll-making as inspiring and calming. I fill each doll I make with love, and hope that this loving energy will carry through to the people who bring my dolls into their families. Welcome to my journal, where I share my creative adventures. Hope you have a pleasant stay!

Sunny Solène

Sunny Solène

With the early morning sun highlighting the red tints in her hair, Solène herself resembles a little sun, her bright curly hair emanating, in the manner of rays, from her little head. She is intrigued by the busy world around her: the soft green moss under her feet, the birds singing in the trees, and the little ants running around their daily errands. And in her blue linen jumper dress, perfect for both running around and relaxing in the shade, she too is ready to enjoy this beautiful, warm spring day.

Petit accessories...

Petit accessories...

Alice the Sailor

Alice the Sailor