

I like to think of the art of doll-making as inspiring and calming. I fill each doll I make with love, and hope that this loving energy will carry through to the people who bring my dolls into their families. Welcome to my journal, where I share my creative adventures. Hope you have a pleasant stay!

Jolly Anouska with a friend

Jolly Anouska with a friend


Do you see the mischievous twinkle in her eye? And the feet which want only to skip around and dance? I present to you Anouska, my little tomboy. Looking at this proper little girl, you will not believe me when I tell you how hard it was to make her wear a dress! The moment I finished embroidering her mouth, she stretched it into a wide grin and began to chatter, incessantly, about all the curious things she saw around. Then she slid off my lap and...after that I couldn’t catch her as she raced into the backyard, playing tag with my sons and her best friend Fifi...



Jolly Anouska and her little friend Fifi are available for purchase comment-style. Anouska is a slim 21” doll, made with cotton swiss jersey and stuffed with carded eco-wool. Her hair is wefted mohair, tea-dyed by me and crocheted into a wig. She is wearing a cotton dress with puffed long sleeves and lovely french tulle ruffle at the bottom, a lined baby alpaca vest with an antique early 1900s silk ribbon, raw silk underpants with lace, and a pair of hand-crocheted mary-janes. Her little friend Fifi, as Anouska calls her, is made with cashmere and wool stuffing, curly mohair for hair, and is 6” long.
These dolls are recommended for a child 5+. If you would like to share adventures with Anouska and Fifi and welcome them into your family, please leave a comment below, and the lucky winner will be selected at random tomorrow morning, December 10th, at 9 AM EST.

Comments are closed. Thank you!

Pour la petite fashionista

Pour la petite fashionista

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Petite Parisienne