

I like to think of the art of doll-making as inspiring and calming. I fill each doll I make with love, and hope that this loving energy will carry through to the people who bring my dolls into their families. Welcome to my journal, where I share my creative adventures. Hope you have a pleasant stay!

Pour la petite fashionista

Pour la petite fashionista

Recently, checking my mailbox, I found a wish list...the next day, I found another one...and the next -– yet another. I began receiving wish lists for chic clothes from a number of dolls around the world who wanted to expand their wardrobes in light of the many festivities they will be attending this season. I instantly set to work, designing outfits which would reflect both these dolls’ desire to shine as well as to be comfortable. Using some of the most exquisite fabrics I could find, from silver linen to cashmere to Liberty corduroy, I created four unique outfits to brighten up the holidays for the little ones. Oh, I forgot to mention that the letters were anonymous....so was it, by any chance, your little friend who had written to me?



The first ready-to-wear set of clothing is made for a 20" doll and consists of a shimmering pure linen dress, a hand-knitted cardigan made with a blend of hand-painted silk and mohair with a twinkly lurex strand, a beautiful fully lined cashmere/baby alpaca coat, and a light wool scarf for a warm hug on a chilly winter day.


The second outfit will fit beautifully a 18" doll. It consists of a linen skirt with a top layer of French dotted tulle and elastic waistband,  lovely alpaca cardigan, and a long-sleeved blouse, made with French cotton batiste.


If you are planning to travel this season, you would probably like your doll to look lovely while being comfortable. The third outfit consists of essential items you'll need to pack: fully lined cashmere pants, a long-sleeved peasant blouse, made with Swiss dotted cotton voile, and a striped hand-knitted mohair sweater, very warm and cozy for winter. And the bright red color of a Coral necklace will definitely add a festive touch!

This outfit will fit a 20" doll.



These very cute overalls are made with Liberty of London cotton corduroy and go beautifully with organic cotton long-sleeved shirt, and a hand-knitted baby alpaca/silk cardigan. These clothes will make the fourth set for your little doll of 20".

All these clothing will be available for purchase via short auction running tomorrow, December 14th, from 8 p.m.

Due to small parts which can pose a choking hazard, the outfits are recommended for  children 6+.

Thank you so much for stopping by!


Nid d'oiseau

Nid d'oiseau

Jolly Anouska with a friend

Jolly Anouska with a friend