

I like to think of the art of doll-making as inspiring and calming. I fill each doll I make with love, and hope that this loving energy will carry through to the people who bring my dolls into their families. Welcome to my journal, where I share my creative adventures. Hope you have a pleasant stay!

Sophie is ready to travel

Sophie is ready to travel

Sophie is a natural fiber Waldorf inspired ‘girl’, about 13 inches long. She has been made with Swiss cotton and stuffed with organic wool. Sophie has embroidered deep brown eyes and painted freckles, spilled across the nose and cheeks. Her beautiful red hair has been crafted with DollyMo mohair.

Sophie is a tender hearted girl with a wild imagination. You can always find her with her nose in a recipe book or gathering acorns. She uses them for baking gluten free apple muffins. If you’ve never tried them, believe me, they are delicious!

She will come to you wearing her favorite cotton dress with double collar, a cozy sweater, hand-knitted with Italian silk and mohair yarn, a pair of cotton underpants, and wool shoes, that will keep her feet dry and warm.

Sophie is ready to travel and can’t wait to hug her mum!

If you would like to give this little one home, please follow this link.

Due to small parts, Sophie is suitable for an adult collector or an older child 8+.

Thank you for coming!

Miss Taissia - a Child of Spring

Miss Taissia - a Child of Spring